Sunday, February 27, 2011

Baby Shower

Last weekend was my baby shower in Coral Springs.  My Mom, sisters, and BFF's Melissa and Jyll planned a great party!   The shower was at Melissa's beautiful house.  I wish I had more pictures of all the details.  The decorations outside were one of my favorite parts, which included a clothesline of baby items hanging by the pool and were also part of my gift from Jyll and Meliss.  So cute!! I got a TON of gifts and everyone was so generous and excited to shower our new baby with presents.  The car was PACKED to the max for the ride back to Gainesville.  Thanks everyone!

Here are just a few pics from the day:
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Maternity Photo Shoot

Here are the pictures from the photo shoot we did the day after the baby shower.  Jeremy, Candace, and I went to Kris' house and used the beautiful scenery of her backyard to take some fun pictures to announce Baby Thoms' name!  Candace did a great job as an amateur photographer!

Here it is officially: Jack Robert Thoms! 

We decided on the name Jack because we both liked it.  It's also a nickname for John, which is my Grandpa's first name.  Then, since he was going to have the same first and last initals as his daddy, we decided to go with "R" for the middle initial, and decided on Robert for the middle name, since Robert is Jeremy's middle name, as well as his Grandfather's first name.  So there's a little bit of tradition all wrapped up in Jack's full name. 

Enjoy the pics!